Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Utilizing the Ajna Chakra

Over the past few days, I have started learning the power of Ajna Chakra (the command centre) also known as the third eye. Was able to visualize a complex problem in meditation and solve the same. The solution came in just a few seconds in meditation, but translating to the the physical solution after I came out from Meditation and started working on the solution – took approximately 4 –5 hours.

The Visualization using the third eye functions at a higher rate that the conscious mind, hence the difference in timing. Complex solutions can come in an intuitive flash in seconds, but the same may take many hours of work when translated to actual work which of-course requires again channelizing the willpower on the specified work (without getting affected if distractions do come and bother).

Need to continue the use of the Ajna chakra more often for contributing to mankind in a better way ever day ! Thanks to my Gurudeva for teaching me its existence & use.

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