Sunday, February 20, 2011

The way of the realized ones

It's amazing the way realized souls live and speak ... Just read this from Himalayan Academy website

Chellappar never spoke in the third person. He spoke always to himself and in the present. He never did or said anything to benefit or reform others. Everyone who was present before him learnt to take in whatever suited him. It was only after many days that the truth would become apparent. There was no third person or second person that he saw in his life, for him to speak to a third party or to address another. He dwelt in himSelf and spoke to HimSelf and that Self was the Universal Self. He never played any drama, or enacted miracles.

"He was floating in this lighted world of Oneness-Sivosarvam --and everyone called him mad. He had no followers and kept no account of his activites--no money, no possessions, no conventional behavior. He was a spark of divine radiance. He lived and moved as an ordinary humble man with eyes, ears, hands and legs like any other passerby, and thus did he pass away into Supreme Silence.

(Tamil Script)

--Natchintanai. 227.


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