Monday, January 11, 2010

Small Awakenings


I know I am super conscious right now, all i have to do i observe and stop the subconscious thoughts & the voice of the little ego and shut down the conscious mind by closing the eyes. That’s all there is to reach it, but more difficult to sustain it.

The ego searches for constant improved life, improved relationships, improved conversations, its always in the doer mode instead of being the be’er mode. shutting up the ego avoids a lot of conflicts and allows us to cheerfully bear the karma and move on to the next experience rather than repeating the same old experiences.

Off late I'm realize the dire need to wake up early or at least wake up once awake and depolarize the body and not leave it half polarized in half sleep, the outcome – awareness going into the unexpected area – the sub of the subconscious mind. trust me, its not a nice area to be in.

Meditation and the energy released from it makes the memory patterns come out swiftly from the Muladhara chakra and magnify the latent karmas, that’s why experiences become intense for a beginner in meditation.

The newest learning I had is when advising somebody a solution one should look back at the experiential pattern where I myself (oneself) wiggled out of the same situation in a prior experience – maybe which happened in this or past lifetime and explain that rather than use the intellect. Experiential Knowledge is always the best than bookish or intellectual knowledge.

The current objective for me is often try to be the observer of the little ego instead of being the little ego constantly trying to improve itself from its cocoon of self created experiences.

Aum Nama Sivaya

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