Saturday, June 25, 2011

The illusion

Why does the mind go in search of happiness and pleasure? Because everyone wants to be happy. That's the inherent nature of every soul. The mind therefore seeks various avenues for happiness depending on how it is trained by culture and religion.

The main reason the mind keeps trying different aspects to improve itself in different areas of life whether it be in a relationship or career or entertainment is due to the illusion of happiness.

My guru beautifully explains this with a perfect analogy. The donkey and the carrot. All our motives for any thought or action is for happiness to oneself. A donkey keeps moving further to grab a carrot which is being held by its owner who is sitting on top of it and tempting it with a carrot held on a stick.

The donkey moves expecting that it will be happy once it gets the carrot. But since its owner is sitting on top of it holding the carrot the carrot also moves further when the donkey moves. Thus the donkey keeps moving thinking it will get the carrot and the carrot ( symbolic of permanent  happiness) keeps moving away from it. This is exactly how we go about living our lives.

It takes a lot of failures and successes and keen observations which can be summed up in one word "EXPERIENCE " to finally understand the mind and its approach towards objects of pleasure. Once the object is attained the mind is after something else. If the object is not attained there is craving for it.

All sense of ownership of any attained object or goods is over within 3-4 days of attaining it. Slightly longer in some cases.


ME said...

In Christianity, these thoughts are one reason of ascetism, a condition of complete detachment from worldliness in order to aviod what are considered as distractions in reaching the self-realization: to be one thing with God in a loving relationship.
I knew that ascetism is a common point between Hinduism and Christianity.

That i am said...

You are correct dear friend ...