Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Another great day

After following the Maui habit, "after my feet touches the ground,  it's going to be a great day somehow"  the days are actually becoming great.  

I was able to do my morning routine today despite some challenging circumstances like cough.   I had a good run and exercise in the park.  After that nithya made some nice porridge like drink popularly known as Kanji, made using health mix of various ingredients such as nuts grains etc.  

After this I drove to my other home to visit my parents.  Had a nice lunch.  Rested well.  Listened to  Yuval Noah Harrari's book called "Sapiens". It's an amazing book.  Investments are up today.  Thanks to Mother Lakshmi. Over the last few days watch the wonderful movie about Air Deccan founder Mr Gopinath it was an amazing movie in Tamil named as Soorarai Pottru -- Story of will persistence.

I was also able to complete one of the machine learning assignments today. I cannot believe that I completed an assignment Where I implemented regularization. Regularization helps in better fitting the model to the training data so the predictions are more accurate on the test data. Implemented this for Logistic regression though the equation was very tough. 

May Try to post a picture of my assignment here if possible later.

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