Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday Reflections ... Cricket academy

What went well 
- Morning coaching for Junior at cricket academy
- Conversations with family
- Coaching kid on different aspects of life including taking bath, tying lace, practicing strength exercises etc
- All issues unwound themselves when you just give attention ๐Ÿ™‚ and the same people who cause issues correct themselves. 
- overall a great day, driving back here to Rjngr, 

Nice evening run at the park. Saw this beautiful road lit up

What needs improvement

- Dealing with selfish people when they don't want to share a recipe as simple as the type of chutney pudi powder with other family members. And think it's their unique talent. Ghatiya soch.
- Late evening allergic rhinitis condition recurring. Hoping the Homeo treatment will take care of this.

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